About Dr. Raskin
I have been a practicing psychologist for more than 30 years. Since I retired from my academic
position at Teachers College, Columbia U., I have spent more time focusing on the issues I have
been passionate about since I started graduate school, such as gender equality, work/family
dynamics, individual growth, helping couples, and assisting with military transitions. It is
wonderful to see someone come into their own, whether it is a new or revised sense of
I practice both in New York and in Connecticut. I care deeply about helping people know who they are and learn what matters to them. I'm married, have an adorable son and even more adorable daughter-in-law. I also love to laugh, and my family makes sure that I do, often!
B.S., Pennsylvania State University,
M.Ed., (Counseling) Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D., (Counseling Psychology) New York University,
Recent Occupational History
May, 2010-present
Executive Coach, Program in Social Intelligence, Columbia University Business School
May, 2010-May, 2012
Faculty, Columbia Coach Certification Program, Columbia University Business
School/Corporate Learning Solutions Group, Teachers College, Columbia University
June, 2011-December, 2011
Faculty, Urban Education Leadership Program, Teachers College, Columbia University
June, 2005-2010
Associate Professor, Eisenhower Leadership Development Program, Dept. of Behavioral
Science and Leadership, USMA/Teachers College, Columbia University, N.Y.
June, 2004-March, 2006
Program Associate, Working Families, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, N.Y., N.Y.
September, 2010-present
Professor Emerita, Teachers College, Columbia University, N.Y.
September, 2001- August, 2010
Associate Professor, Department of Organization and Leadership,
Teachers College, Columbia University, N.Y.
October, 1980-present
Independent Practice in psychotherapy, marital therapy, career coaching, executive
Special Training and Certifications
Gottman Marital Therapy (levels I, II, III)
PTSD Training, Center for Deployment Psychology
Hogan Development Survey™
Birkmann Method ®
Consulting Activities
Columbia Executive Education Program (2007-2019)
Center for Educational Outreach and Innovation Teachers College, Columbia U. (2007-2009)
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, USMA (2007)
Counseling Psychology Program Seoul National U., (2008)
Columbia Business School, Columbia U.
MBA Program (2008-2016)
EMBA Program (2008-2016)
CCCP Program Leadership Lab (formerly Program in Social Intelligence) (2008-2016)
Union Theological Seminary (2009-2011)
Einstein Medical School (2009-2012)
United Nations (2010-2914)
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation (2010)
Yeshiva University (2011-2012)
Baruch College, City University of New York (2012)
Sea Change (2015)
The Reading and Writing Project, Teachers College, Columbia University (2015)
Professional Activities
N.Y. State License #006169 (1979-present)
Member, New York State Board for Psychology (1982-1992)
Site Visitor, American Psychological Association (1981-2000)
Founding Member, Sloan Work-Family Network (1997-2006)
CT State license #3263 (2012-present)
Cambridge Health Alliance/ Harvard Medical School: Treating Adults (2015)
Professional Associations
American Psychological Association (1975- present)
Fellow, Division of Counseling Psychology (2008- present)
Division of Psychology of Women (1977-present)
Fellow, Division of Psychotherapy (2011-present)
Division of Independent Practice (2005-present)
Editorial Activities
Sloan Work-Family Network: Topic page advisor: flexible schedules
Editorial Board, Metropolitan College Mental Health Association
Associate Editor, Journal of Research in Identity
Editor: Serving those who serve: Psychotherapy with military clients. A special Issue of In
Session, Journal of. Clinical Psychology, 2020.2020;1–4.
Editorial Board, Sloan Work and Family Research Center at Boston College, Electronic network
Fellow, American Psychological Association, Society of Counseling Psychology (2009)
Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division of Psychotherapy (2011)
Elder Recognition Award, Society of Counseling Psychology (2010)
USMA saber, Eisenhower Leader Development Program students (2010)
Service Activities
Penn State University College of Liberal Arts Mentoring Program
Founding Member, Sloan Work-Family Research Network
Executive Committee, Stand Beside Them ( www.standbesidethem.org )
Supervisor, LMSW’s, Homeless Vets Program, Services for the Underserved
Provider, Give an Hour
Facilitator, Veteran Multicultural Training Certification, Resilience Center for Veterans and
Families, Teachers College, Columbia University
Recent Scholarly Papers
Raskin, P. M. (2002). Career development of women. In Sloan Work and Family Encyclopedia
Raskin, P.M. (2005). Commentary: Spending time at work and at home. In B. Schneider and L. Waite (Eds.). Being together, being apart: Dual career families and the work-life balance. Cambridge University Press.
Raskin, P.M. (2005, rev.ed.). Confident communication. In E.L. Rigolosi, Management in nursing: An experiential approach that makes theory work for you (rev.ed.). NY: Springer.
Raskin, P.M. (2006) Career development of single parents. In Greenhaus & Callanan, G.Encyclopedia of Career Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Raskin, P.M. (2006). Women, work, and family: Three studies of roles and identity among working mothers. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 1354-1381.
Raskin, P.M. (2006). Book review: Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Sweet, S., & Kossek, E. Work and Family Handbook, Personnel Psychology, 59 (4), 959-961.
Raskin, P. M. (2008). Work-family balance. In Leong et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Counseling, Volume III. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Raskin, P.M. (2010). Adolescence. In C. S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology. New York: Springer
Raskin, P. M. (2013). Work-family issues: Challenges and advances for families In Clasus-Ehlers (Ed.), Handbook of Cross-Cultural School Psychology for Mental Health Practitioners. New York: Springer.
Raskin, P.M. (2018). “She’s woke.”: Journal of Clinical Psychology,1-7.
Raskin, P.M. (2020). Introduction. Serving those who serve: Psychotherapy with military clients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, ? pp. 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.22917
Raskin, P.M., & Gettas, G. (2007). Continued labor force participation: Individual differences. In T. Ghilarducci and J. Turner & (Eds.) Work options for mature Americans. Notre
Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Selected Convention and Conference Presentations
Raskin, P.M. (2000). The women, work and family project: The first two studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., February.
Raskin, P.M. (2003). Working longer: A win-win proposition. Discussant, Roundtable Workshop, “Work Options for Mature Americans, University of Notre Dame, December 8.
Raskin, P.M. (2004). Continued labor force participation and individual differences “Uncharted” territory? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Social Insurers, Washington, D.C., February.
Raskin, P.M. (2004). Work-family issues in the superintendency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, New York, March
Raskin, P.M. (2004) Work-family issues in the academy. Invited presentation, Columbia University Human Relations Department, New York, June.
Raskin, P. M. (2006). Teaching the sociology of work-family: The Sloan Work-Family Network Encyclopedia. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, August.
Raskin, P. M. (2008). Executive Coaching: The United States Model. Keynote presentation, Korean Group Counseling Association, Seoul, December.
Raskin, P.M. (2009). Work-Family Issues and Counseling Psychology: A fortuitous match. Fellows presentation, Division 17. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August.
Raskin, P.M. (2012). Why mentoring and sponsorship matter, especially for women. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, April.
Raskin, P.M. (2012). Panelist, It’s a balancing act: The work-life tightrope. Program Series, The Organization Development Network of New York, New York City, December.
Raskin, P.M. (2013). Discussant: Single Service Members. Military Families Research Institute Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN, June.
Raskin, P.M. (2014). Reuniting: Finding each other after deployment. Paper presented at the U.N. Committee on the Family, New York, March.
Raskin, P.M. (2015). When being in two places at once is not enough: Work-family issues for clinicians. Workshop for Greenwoods Counseling Referral Service, Litchfield, CT, March.
Raskin, P.M. (2015 Transferring military skills. Veteran Entrepreneurship Training (VET). NYU Poly Incubator, NewYork, NY, June.
Raskin, P.M. (2015) Where are we now? The 2015 work-family research agenda. Panelist, Work-life balance: The perpetual issue. New England Women in the Law Conference, Hartford, CT, June.
Raskin, P.M. (2016). When the pond gets murky: Psychological issues in executive coaching. New York ICF meeting, New York, New York, June.